Tuesday, 1 November 2011

Agents of change- Tony Ryan


Innovative Conference

  • Challenged our thinking to encourage openness to looking at new ideas, through inquiry, reflection, research and evaluation.

  • Provided inspiration and elevation of personal horizons - a chance to dream the dreams

  • Offered stimulus to review your current thinking based on the reflective and informed opinions.

  • https://skydrive.live.com/?cid=621c1e2191a7e468#!/view.aspx?cid=621C1E2191A7E468&resid=621C1E2191A7E468%21106

    Neale Pitches - CSI Literacy Project

    Ulearn11 Breakout 3: Bringing Literacy to you: transformative possibilities for teacher professional learning.

    "No matter what childrens' past are, we have the power to accelerate childrens learning"

    ULearn 2011

    Keywords and ideas that sum up my ULEARN11 experience:

    Wordle: ULearn11

    Elearning classroom

    e-learning is about students choosing and using the best 'tool' or plan to facilitate their own learning.

    Children develop their own learning pathways and journeys. Children document their own learning which ends up as digital portfolio.

    • e-learning is 'open classroom' walls.

    • e-learning is all about the child's individual learning styles.

    • e-learning is all about reflection and self assessment.

    • e-learning uses social media to communicate and learn.

    • e- learning encompasses the Key Competencies. To be a learner in a 21st Century classroom you have to be

    1. Self Managing
    2. Thinkers
    3. Collaborators
    4. Able to use text and images to convey messages
    5. Participators and contributors